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Tiffany Dorfner
Nutrition Services Field Specialist
District Office
Lorena Franco
Nutrition Services Support Technician
District Office
Melisa Roberts
Occupational Therapist
District Office
Gabriela Gomez
Office Staff / Translator
District Office
Charles Howe
District Office
Hatina White
Payroll Technician
District Office
Rebekah Robinson
Payroll Technician
District Office
Emma Lebron
Risk and Safety Manager
District Office
Marie-France Orillion
RSP Teacher
District Office
Tammy Hanan
RSP Teacher
District Office
Ann Baker
District Office
Lorrie Mayorquin
Speech & Language Pathologist
District Office
Maryam Zaman
Speech Pathologist
District Office
Rene Quiroz
Student Service Clerk
District Office
Kathy Morris
Student Services Clerk
District Office
Christina Williams
Student Support Provider
District Office
Dolores Holmes
Student Support Provider
District Office
Jenny Hernandez
District Office
Bertha Santiago
District Office
Mercedes Ambriz
District Office