Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse Information

Who should report child abuse?

YOU! If you are an employee of PESD you are a mandated reporter. When in doubt, report it!

Failure to report could result in a misdemeanor and is punishable by confinement in the county jail for a term not to exceed six months or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or both.



If you reasonably suspect that a child is or has experienced…

  • unexplained or unusual injuries

  • sexual assault, abuse, grooming, exploitation, or trafficking

  • the willful cruelty and/or unjustifiable punishment, verbal, psychological, or emotional abuse

  • corporal punishment involving injury or traumatic condition

  • neglect:

    • physical - willfully depriving food, clothing, reasonable hygiene, shelter, and supervision

    • medical - willfully depriving medical attention

*A child is a person under the age of 18.

How to report abuse?

STEP 1: (This is a new Step)

Immediately contact your local law enforcement through their non-emergency line: Law Enforcement Contact Information by School District (PDF).


Immediately report abuse to the Suspected Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-442-4918 (24-hour, 7day-a-week, 365 days a year).


Contact PESD- Human Resources Department 1-951-657-3118 if the allegation of abuse is against an employee, volunteer, etc. Human Resources will be responsible for working with law enforcement and conducting an employee investigation.


Within 36 hours, you are also required to submit a written or electronic follow-up report using the Suspected Child Abuse Report form. The law enforcement offices and the CPS agent will provide an email/mailing address to submit the form to Child Protective Services. You must also submit a copy of the report to the law enforcement agent contacted. 

To prepare for making a report, be clear, provide names, addresses, and ages, if possible.

What happens after I make a report?

Once a report is made law enforcement and Child Protective Services will follow their protocols.

Mandated reporters are not liable either in civil damages or from criminal prosecution as a result of making a report, unless it can be proven that a false report was made, and that the reporter knew the report to be false when filed. The name of the reporting party is confidential.

Additional Resources and Services