School Policy

Sky View Elementary School grounds are supervised by adults thirty minutes prior to the start of school. NO STUDENTS ARE TO ARRIVE ON CAMPUS PRIOR TO 7:30 A.M. as the school will not be responsible for anything that may occur outside of the supervised times. Breakfast services begin at 7:30 A.M. and end promptly at 7:55 A.M. Any student wanting breakfast service must report directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. Any student that goes directly to the playground prior to breakfast will call their parent/guardian for failing to comply with school policies.
Students must leave the school grounds at dismissal. All students exit through designated gates. Kindergarten students exit through gate #1 at dismissal. First and Second grade students will be dismissed through the gates near the MPR and picked up in the MPR loop. Third through fourth grade students will be dismissed at gate 2 and fifth and sixth grade students will be dismissed through the gates near the office and picked up in the office loop. Students who are waiting for pick-up beyond fifteen minutes after the dismissal bell will be directed to wait in the office. Parents picking students up after 2:30 P.M. will be required to come in to the front office and sign out their child.
Please remember that our students’ safety is of the utmost importance to us. Students are not free to leave campus for any reason during school hours unless released to a person who has checked in through the office. Therefore, we have the following procedures in place when signing out students early:
Parents/guardians will require a valid identification, issued by a government agency, in order to sign out any student. This includes parents/guardians who come to pick up sick students from the health office.
Students WILL NOT be allowed to leave with anyone who is not listed on their emergency card. In addition, a student will not be allowed to leave with someone other than the parent or persons listed on the emergency card, unless our school contacts that person in the case of an emergency. If a parent/guardian would like someone listed on the emergency card to pick up their child, they must either call the office or send a note that is dated, includes the name of the person listed on the emergency card, and contains the parent/guardian signature.
Custody: A parent may only be forbidden to see or take a child by a court decree. If you are in a situation where certain people are not allowed to see or take your child by a court decree, be sure to provide our office staff with a copy
of the legal documents mandating this ruling.
According to California Education Code Section 48200, all school age children must attend school every day and on time. Children cannot learn if they are not in school. Research shows there is a direct connection between attendance and academic progress. Students who attend school regularly have greater academic success in comparison to students with poor school attendance.
Therefore, valuing your child’s attendance shows them that you also value his/her education. If your son or daughter is absent, it is important that you present to the school an explanation verifying the reason for the absence. Verification of absences must be made within 3 school days. If the absence verification is not made within 3 school days, the absence will be permanently marked as unexcused.
You may verify an absence by calling the office between the hours of 7:15 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. or sending a written note with the following information:
• Student name
• Date of absence
• Teacher name and/or room number
• The specific reason for absence
• Parent/Guardian signature
Please call each day of the absence. If your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please notify the school in advance.
Reasons for an excused absence are:
Doctor/dentist appointments for students
All other situations will be considered unexcused absences
When a student has had 6 or more excused absences in the school year, any further absences for illness must be verified by a physician. Research shows that when a student misses one day of school it takes approximately three days to catch up, so we would encourage you to schedule all doctor/dentist appointments before/after school hours, and minimize absences, tardiness, and early pick-up.
Please note: excused absences and tardies or early departures make a student ineligible for perfect attendance. (See Recognition & Awards for details on incentives)
We ask that parents place special emphasis on their child’s regular and punctual attendance. Parents may help by doing the following:
✓ It is essential that we have current phone numbers on your child’s emergency form at school where parents/guardians can be reached. Please notify the school of any changes throughout the school year.
✓ Call the school the morning your child is absent and explain the reason for the absence.
✓ Remember that every minute of every day counts. Even attendance for part of the day is better than none.
✓ Support the school and your children by talking to them about the importance of good attendance.
✓ Do not take extended vacations with your child during the school year.
✓ Commend excellent attendance.