Get Involved!
I Want To Volunteer...
We are excited for you to share your experience and talent with our students and helping us ensure our school is a safe place for our students. Our new volunteer policy includes:
Expectations for Volunteers
Volunteer's Application Agreement
Megan's Law Background Check
Information on TB testing
Stop by our office for more information!
I Want To Join An Action Team...

Student achievement and success are based upon a strong school and community partnership. Sky View Elementary School encourages parental and community involvement and provides a wide variety of participation activities.
Our School Site Council, made up of staff and parents, works collaboratively with the rest of the staff in determining the best way to utilize categorical funds to provide additional materials, programs, and staff development to our base program.
Our English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) consists of parents of English Learners. They work cooperatively with the staff to ensure that we are sensitive and understand the needs of English Learners.
Parents are teachers too! Students do best when parents and the teacher at school are working together. Here are some things you can do to help your child have a successful education:
Be a volunteer helper or member of an active group of parents.
Attend as many school functions as possible.
Take an interest in papers that your child brings home from school.
Display papers at home.
Monitor your child’s homework and assist when appropriate.
Extend your child’s learning at home.
Avoid comparing your child with another child.
Get acquainted with the teachers.
Praise your child for schoolwork that is well done.
Learn what is expected of your child in school.
Attend special activities in which your child is participating.
Attend all parent/teacher conferences.
Volunteers can make school environments safer and more closely supervised. We encourage parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge and abilities with our students. A volunteer is a parent, community member or other adult who assists at a school site or program on a regular or semiregular basis. Parents/guardians who observe or visit their child(ren) on a regular basis and stay more than 15 minutes each time are considered volunteers. All volunteers shall receive a Set of Expectations and shall sign a Volunteer’s Agreement indicating that they have read, understand and agree to abide by these expectations.
Persons serving as ongoing volunteers, more than (5) times per year, shall provide evidence that they are free from active tuberculosis. TB Testing is required every (4) years. (Education Code 45349,49406)
All volunteers must have a current Megan’s Law Background Check on file with the school office, and approved by site administration.