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Elizabeth Espinoza
Elementary Counselor
Innovative Horizons
Angela Burns
Innovative Horizons
Estela Garcia
Food Service Worker
Innovative Horizons
Lilia Andrade
Food Service Worker
Innovative Horizons
Matilde Quintana
Food Service Worker
Innovative Horizons
Madeline Escobar
Food Service Worker
Innovative Horizons
Yenci Vasquez
Food Service Worker
Innovative Horizons
Martha Rodriguez
Health Aide
Innovative Horizons
Daisy Muniz
Instructional Aide – Bilingual
Innovative Horizons
Maria Ochoa
Instructional Aide – RSP
Innovative Horizons
Judy Valdez-Wolfe
Media Center Clerk
Innovative Horizons
Josiah Chasteen
Music Director
Innovative Horizons
Sergio Velasquez Albarran
Night Custodian/Grounds
Innovative Horizons
Banessa Llausas
Physical Education teacher
Innovative Horizons
Michele Rodriguez
Physical Education Teacher
Innovative Horizons
Andrew Candelaria
Innovative Horizons
Brittany Hernandez
RSP Teacher
Innovative Horizons
Anabel Santiago
School Counselor
Innovative Horizons
Natalie Anderson
School Psychologist
Innovative Horizons
Liliana Korteland
Special Assignment Teacher
Innovative Horizons