CNN: Clearwater Multi Media

Students will understand the components of a television news program, and will create their own using a similar structure. The students will research and create stories that bring light to the issues and current events at our school and that affect their lives. They will present that information as news stories, interviews, and investigative work using various multimedia mediums. What Clearwater students will create is a weekly 8 to 10 minute video news program that will be broadcasted to the entire school. What we have created is a student organized, student run, student filmed, student edited news program.

Highlighted Segments

PBL Project Spotlight (Teacher, student interview, project footage)

Grade Level/Teacher spotlight

Student Poll Question


School Campus Features Spotlight

Weather Report

World/U.S News Story

History of Perris

Clearwater/Perris News Story

Staff Interview

On this day/week in history

Famous Quotes