Dear Young Explorer Families and Friends,
Due to the ongoing fires and poor air quality, school will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11th.
For further updates and information, continue to check the Perris ESD app and website. We will keep you posted as the situation develops.
If you did not receive a call or email today from the school district please log onto Aeries and complete your data confirmation to ensure we have current and updated contact information. We want to be able to communicate with you!
Stay safe everyone!
~Mrs. Howe

Hello Young Explorer TK families and friends!
We are looking forward to seeing which classes raise the most funds for our awesome TK Program!!! Help our students out and pick a day to donate. (For example - If you select September 7th you would give $7, if you select September 21st you would give $21.)
Children have their calendar, collection envelope, and are working on collecting funds through the end of September. If you need another copy please ask your child's teacher or stop by the front office. Once your calendar is complete, please turn your envelope in.
We are looking forward to an amazing year! All funds collected will be utilized to pay for activities for students in the 24-25 school year. Thanks everyone!

Good afternoon parents, we just want to send you a reminder to please complete your data confirmation on Aeries Parent Portal. The document confirmation process, also known as the annual registration process, is to confirm and/or update student information in our system such as emergency contacts, health/medical conditions, residency/home address verification, and parent/guardian email and phone numbers. Part of the process is parent/guardian review of all legally required notifications and student authorizations for the upcoming school year. This process is a legal requirement in California under CA Education Code 48204.1, requiring every family to annually verify their students’ address on file.

Happy Labor Day! We look forward to seeing all YEA students and families back in class on Tuesday. Remember, Tuesday is an Early Out day. #TKRocks

Good afternoon parents, we just want to send you a reminder to please complete your data confirmation on Aeries Parent Portal. The document confirmation process, also known as the annual registration process, is to confirm and/or update student information in our system such as emergency contacts, health/medical conditions, residency/home address verification, and parent/guardian email and phone numbers. Part of the process is parent/guardian review of all legally required notifications and student authorizations for the upcoming school year.
This process is a legal requirement in California under CA Education Code 48204.1, requiring every family to annually verify their students’ address on file.

Good morning YEA families and friends! Just a reminder, today is our 1st Early Out Tuesday.
***Students will be released at 1:15.***
Our gates will open at 1:10 for your convenience.
See you soon!
Mrs. Howe - YEA Principal

Back To School Night is going on now at Young Explorers. We will have classrooms open with important information until 6:30. We also have a snack bar available, cash only. Hope to see you soon!

We hope to meet all of our new TK friends tomorrow between 10:00AM - 11:00AM! Please join us for our TK Sneak A Peek Event at the Young Explorers TK Academy. Walk through our exciting classrooms and meet your teacher! #TKRocks

Good Afternoon YEA Families and Friends!
I wanted to provide a Schedule Update for our upcoming 24/25 school year!
Our NEW school student hours are:
8:00AM - 2:15PM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
8:00AM - 1:15PM Tuesday
Please reach out if you have any questions to our front office staff at 951-322-4865. We are looking forward to meeting you very soon!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jacqueline Howe ~ YEA Principal

***Attention all 2024/2025 incomingTK Friends, we'd love to see you on August 14th at our "Treats for TK" Sneak A Peek event!
***Our campus will be open between 10:00AM and 11:00AM for families to come and meet their teacher and learn about first day TK information.

The new District website and mobile app will be under construction throughout the summer break. We will be adding new content and making periodic changes in preparation for the official launch on August 8, 2024.

Good evening YEA Families and Friends,
Join us tomorrow as we dress up in flowers and Hawaiian shirts to say ALOHA TO TK!
Looking forward to seeing all of our TK Friends dressed up tomorrow!
~Jacqueline Howe
YEA Principal

Congratulations Mrs. Martin on completing Year 2 of your teacher induction program! Young Explorers Academy is so proud of you!!! 🩷👩🎓

Just a reminder... Thursday afternoon is our last Read With Me Event of the year! We hope you can join us as we open our classrooms to our families beginning at 1:20PM.
Please plan to enter through the gate near the office to recieve your visitors sticker at 1:15PM
We will also be collecting gently used TK clothing for our health office. Please stop by the table to drop off your donations. Please see the attached flyer.
Thank you!
~Mrs. Howe

Good evening YEA Families and Friends!
Nutrition Services would like to request that our students wear their student ID lanyards every day. This makes the lines progress much faster, especially for breakfast. Thank you for your support! This is a good reminder for our students as they get ready to head off into elementary school as the expectations are the same for the cafeteria there. Thank you for your help families!
Mrs. Howe
~YEA Principal

Good evening, We hope you'll check out our yummy Popcorn Fundraiser! All funds raised will go directly towards activities for our Young Explorers Academy students. Visit our online YEA Store! You can shop until Friday. Thanks for shopping! https://popup.doublegood.com/s/1weg90h6

Good evening,
I hope you have all enjoyed a beautiful weekend and Happy Mother's Day. Here are informational flyers for your reference! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Take care,
Mrs. Howe ~ YEA Principal

TK Prom Tickets will be sold after school daily. Please stop by the table near the office if you'd like to purchase a ticket! All individuals will need a ticket to enter. We're so excited to see you at Prom!

Hi YEA Families and Friends,
Our Lost and Found is overflowing again! PLEASE STOP BY! We absolutely love to reunite water bottles and jackets with their owners!!! 🩷
Thank you,
-Mrs. Howe
YEA Principal

Just a reminder...
***Our playground is closed for student use at school dismissal.
***After school, our front and back gates are closed and locked 15 minutes after dismissal.
***There is crossing coverage offered on A Street during these 15 minutes for families to utilize.
***Please drive safely around campus.