General Information
Important Information
Breakfast Service
Breakfast service begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 7:55 AM.
Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, etc.
Students riding bicycles, scooters, skateboards, etc., to school, must wear a bicycle helmet. Students who ride their bike to school must supply a lock, and all bikes must be stored and locked in the fenced bike rack area located at the front of the school. The school is not responsible for lost/stolen bikes, scooters, skateboards, helmets, etc. Bikes, Scooters, skateboards, etc., should not be ridden on the school grounds at any time.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Student cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used at any time during classroom instructional times or any recess periods. If parents need to contact students during school hours please call the office and leave a message. Any student found using a cell phone or electronic device at school will be disciplined accordingly and their device will be taken away. Parents will be responsible for picking up devices from the office. The school is not responsibe for any lost, stolen, or damaged devices.
Checking Students Out Early
If you need to check out your child early, please come to the office. Please do not come to the office the last 15 minutes before dismissal time to check out your child. It is very busy both in the office and in the classroom as they prepare to leave for the day and the office staff will not interrupt the classroom during this time. If a child is picked up early 3 or more times during the school year, perfect attendance will be affected.
Parent Teacher conferences are held in mid Novemeber for all students . Please make every effort to attend your scheduled conference, as this is your opportunity to meet one on one with your child's teacher to discuss your child's and social development and academic progress. Parents are encouraged to maintain ongoing communication with the teacher. Therefore, you may request a conference with the teacher at any time during the school year.
Lost and Found
Please label your child's jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes etc. Should your child's personal items go missing, the lost and found is located in the front office. Parents are encouraged to check the lost and found if and when your student is missing personal items. We are not responsible for personal items lost at school. Any itiems not claimed at the end of each trimester will be donated to a local charitiable organization.
Protected Instructional Time
During the instructional day we maintain a practice of minimal interruptions. Instructional time is protected time. Messages will be given to teachers before school, after school, and during recess and lunch.
In case of an emergency or dental/medical appointment, if you need to sign your students out early, please come to the office to check out your students. You will be required to show some type of picture ID when signing your students out early.Students may not be signed out during the last 15 minutes of the school day.
Release of Students from School
No student may be released to any person without proper authorization from the student's parent or legal guardian. The release must be approved by a site administrator and/or the office. A picture ID will will be required when signing students out early.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued every trimester and progress reports are issued mid trimester. These reporting periods are designed to give you a written report of the academic progress of your child.
Student Arrival Times
The drop off gates will open at 7:30 AM. Please do not send your child to school before 7:30 AM, as there is no supervision. School begins promptly at 8:00 AM.
Student Instructional Day
The instructional day begins promptly at 8:00 AM. Students should be on time and ready to learn each and every day. Promptness to class is extremely important; therefore, students should be in their seats and ready for instruction when the instructional day begins. Students arriving on campus after 8:00 AM will be marked tardy.
Tardiness / Absence
Good attendance can be linked to a student's overall success in school. Therefore, it is extremely important that students come to school on time everyday! Students arriving to school after 8:00 AM are considered to be tardy. Students who are tardy are to report to the office as soon as they arrive on campus. Regular attendance in school is essential to your child's educational success; therefore absences should be kept to a minimum. If your child must be absent or tardy for any reason, please contact the school office, at (951) 940-5112.
We welcome visitors on our campus. However, to ensure the safety of our students and staff, all visitors are required to sign-in in the front office during the instructional day (8:00 AM-2:15 PM). Upon signing in, they will be issued a Visitor's badge, which must be worn at all times.