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Jazmina Villalta
Assistant Principal
Good Hope Elementary
Erica Aceves
Bilingual Clerk Typist II
Good Hope Elementary
Luz Zenteno
Bilingual Instructional Aide
Good Hope Elementary
Nereida Aguiluz
Building Secretary
Good Hope Elementary
Esther Loza
Categorical Programs Clerk
Good Hope Elementary
Blanca Rodriguez
Good Hope Elementary
Sergio Gutierrez
Good Hope Elementary
Juan Blancas
Good Hope Elementary
Norma Larkin
Food Service Clerk/Worker
Good Hope Elementary
Yuliana Lopez
Food Service Lead
Good Hope Elementary
Lourdes De Alba
Food Service Worker
Good Hope Elementary
Luz Ramirez
Health Aide
Good Hope Elementary
Miriam Mancilla-Porras
Instructional Aide - Bilingual
Good Hope Elementary
Maria Rubio
Instructional Aide - Special Day Class
Good Hope Elementary
Debbie Person
Instructional Aide – RSP
Good Hope Elementary
Gloria Garcia
Instructional Aide Bilingual
Good Hope Elementary
Brenda Turner
Good Hope Elementary
Elaine Zaragoza
Media Center Clerk
Good Hope Elementary
Antonio Zaragoza
Night Custodian
Good Hope Elementary
David Gomez
Physical Education Teacher
Good Hope Elementary